The Five Levels of Attachment
Toltec Wisdom for the Modern World

A new book by don Miguel Ruiz Jr.
Foreword by don Miguel Ruz

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Are You Using Knowledge or is Knowledge Using You?

We have all made agreements about how we choose to live our lives and what we believe our personal truths are.

But what we may not realize is that each one of these agreements represents an attachment, a limiting filter on who we think we are, and what the future could hold. 

We call these attachments “knowledge” without ever questioning if that knowledge is necessarily true for us.

With Don Miguel Ruiz Jr.’s help, you will:

  • Become aware of how you confuse what you know for who you are
  • Gain awareness of how your attachments have created your reality
  • Stop creating your identity based on the opinions and judgments of others around you
  • Let go of the fear of what you are without your beliefs
  • Take back your power
  • Make new Agreements that are more in line with your true Authentic Self

Order the book today!



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